تصميم مصعد كهربائي وعمل محاكاة في البروتس
Elevator System
flow chart of the Arduino based four
floors elevator.
The Block Diagram of the Elevator
Control System.
Used electronic component and circuit
schematic in proteus.
Arduino Code.
رابط تحميل ملف الاردوينو وملف البروتس
كود برنامج الاردوينو
prepared by Eng. M. Mohamedein Maghraby
visit youtube channel:
#include <Keypad.h>
#include <Wire.h>
//include the Liquid Crystal I2C libaray version:1.1
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
////define kepad parameters
const byte ROWS = 4; //keypad rows number
const byte COLS = 3; //keypad columns number
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {3, 2, 1, 0}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte colPins[COLS] = {6, 5, 4}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad
Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );
////end of kepad definition
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display
char CurrentFloor ; // inicate the current state of the elevator 1 means 1st Floor
char RequestedFloor; // the requested floor that the elevator need to go to. 0 means no request.
//sensors (limit switchs) at every door to insure that the specified floor
//is accessed by the elevator.
byte Sensor1=7; // limit switch for presence of elevator at the 1st Floor
byte Sensor2=8; // limit switch for presence of elevator at the 2nd Floor
byte Sensor3=9; // limit switch for presence of elevator at the 3rd Floor
byte Sensor4=10; // limit switch for presence of elevator at the 4th Floor
byte MovingUpLED = A1; // indicator led for moving down using anlaog pin in digatal mode
byte MovingDownLED = A0; // indicator led for moving up using anlaog pin in digatal mode
// declare the Motor pins
byte MotorPin1 = 12;
byte MotorPin2 = 13;
byte MotorSpeed = 11; //use PWM pin (11) to set motor speed
//password for 4th floor authentication
char password[] = {'1', '2' , '3', '4'};
void setup()
// initialize the lcd
// initialize the motor pins as output
pinMode(MotorPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MotorPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MotorSpeed, OUTPUT);
// assign the Floor accessing sensors as input
// assign the indicators' leds as output.
pinMode(MovingUpLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MovingDownLED, OUTPUT);
//initialize motor statue
digitalWrite(MotorPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorSpeed, 0);
//turn off motion led indicator for no motion
digitalWrite(MovingUpLED, LOW);
digitalWrite(MovingDownLED, LOW);
CurrentFloor = '1';
void loop()
CurrentFloor = checkCurrentFloor();
// display a message on the LCD to indecate the current Floor of the elevator
//listen to floor requests.
RequestedFloor = keypad.getKey();
// check if a valid key presssed
if ((RequestedFloor =='1' || RequestedFloor =='2' || RequestedFloor =='3'|| RequestedFloor =='4' ))
manipulateRequest(); // excute the function to manipulate request.
////////////////////// End of Void Loop
/////aiding functions
//fuction used to move the elevator based on the requested floor.
void manipulateRequest()
//authenticate the usere if requesting the 4th floor
if(RequestedFloor == '4')
if (!checkPassword()) // reset the request and end if the password is wrong
RequestedFloor = -1; // reset requests
return ; // end function excution.
if( RequestedFloor > CurrentFloor ) // if requesting upper floor
while(RequestedFloor > CurrentFloor) // don't break untill reaching the destination
up(); // move up as long as the currentfloor < requested floor
digitalWrite(MovingUpLED, HIGH); // light the moving up green LED indicator
//update the reached current floor by checking the sensors while moving.
CurrentFloor = checkCurrentFloor();
// display the status of the reached current Floor
////// floor request interrupt while moving up
char NewReqFloor = keypad.getKey(); // get the interrupting floor request
// if the interrupting floor request is valid
if ( NewReqFloor > CurrentFloor && NewReqFloor < RequestedFloor )
RequestedFloor = NewReqFloor; //if valid then change the destination.
else if( RequestedFloor < CurrentFloor ) // if requesting down floor
while( RequestedFloor < CurrentFloor ) // don't break untill reaching the destination
down(); // move down as long as the CurrentFloor > Requested floor
digitalWrite(MovingDownLED, HIGH); // Light the moving down RED LED indicator
//update the reached current floor by checking the sensors while moving.
CurrentFloor = checkCurrentFloor();
// display the status of the reached current Floor
////// floor request interrupt while moving up
char NewReqFloor = keypad.getKey(); // get the interrupting floor request
//byte NewReqFloor = (byte)String(rf).toInt(); // convert char to byte
// if the interrupting floor request is valid
if ( NewReqFloor < CurrentFloor && NewReqFloor > RequestedFloor )
RequestedFloor = NewReqFloor; //if valid then change the destination.
///////////// End of the Floor request
stop(); // stop moving
digitalWrite(MovingUpLED, LOW);
digitalWrite(MovingDownLED, LOW);
RequestedFloor = -1; // reset requests
//moving up the elvator (forward motor direction)
void up()
digitalWrite(MotorPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorPin2, LOW);
analogWrite(MotorSpeed, 125); // run on half speed
//moving down the elvator (backward motor direction)
void down()
digitalWrite(MotorPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin2, HIGH);
analogWrite(MotorSpeed, 125); // run on half speed
void stop()
digitalWrite(MotorPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorPin2, LOW);
analogWrite(MotorSpeed, 0);
//check for the reached currentFloor by checking the limit switchs
//in every floor and return the currnt value
char checkCurrentFloor()
if( digitalRead(Sensor1))
return '1';
else if( digitalRead(Sensor2))
return '2';
else if( digitalRead(Sensor3))
return '3';
else if( digitalRead(Sensor4))
return '4';
return CurrentFloor; // latch last state
//perform authetication and return true if authenticated
bool checkPassword()
lcd.print("Enter password!");
byte counter = 0;
char pass[4]; // temp password array to store the entered password
while(counter < 4) // listen for the kepad
char key = keypad.getKey();
pass[counter] = key; // store the temp input password digit.
lcd.print(key); // show the entered digit two the user on the LCD
lcd.print('*'); // hide the entered digit after a while with "*".
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(pass); i++)
if (pass[i] != password[i]) // if one element voilate equality exit.
lcd.print("Wrong Password");
lcd.print("rerequest floor");
return false;
return true; //return true if all the element are equal.
//lcd display aiding function
void printCurrentFloor()
lcd.print("You are on");
if(CurrentFloor == '1')
lcd.print("the " + String(CurrentFloor) + "st Floor");
if(CurrentFloor == '2')
lcd.print("the " + String(CurrentFloor) + "nd Floor");
if(CurrentFloor == '3')
lcd.print("the " + String(CurrentFloor) + "rd Floor");
if(CurrentFloor > '3')
lcd.print("the " + String(CurrentFloor) + "th Floor");
رابط تحميل ملف الاردوينو وملف البروتس