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Photovoltaic Solar Cell Modeling in Matlab Simulink

Photovoltaic Solar Cell Modeling 

كود برنامج الماتلاب :
clear;   clc;
syms V I
Is = 1e-6;  %reverse saturation current set to 1u A (10^-6)
Ip = 5;     %photo generated current
Rs = 0.01;  %series resistance
Rsh = inf;  %open circuit
Vt = 0.025; %thermal voltage set to 25mV @25ْC 
n = 1.5;    %ideality factor

f(V, I) = Ip - Is*(exp((V+I*Rs)/(n*Vt))-1) - (V+I*Rs)/Rsh - I;

h = fimplicit(f , [0 0.7 0 6]); %plot the equation with the volt and current ranges
V = get(h,'Xdata') ;  %get voltage values from the figure
I = get(h,'Ydata') ;  %get current values from the figure
P = V .*I;
hold on;
plot(V, P);    %plot current verses power
xlabel('V'); legend('Current','Power');

Pm = max(P)    %maximum power of pv cell
Isc = max(I)   %short circuit current of pv cell
Voc = max(V)   %open circuit voltage of pv cell
Im = I(P==Pm)  %pv cell current of maximum power
Vm = V(P==Pm)  %pv cell voltage of maximum power

%if there is problem with "fimplicit" use "ezplot"
%ezplot(f(I,V), [0 0.7 0 6]);
%xlim([0 0.7]); ylim([0 6]);

عن الكاتب

Eng. M. Mohamedein Maghraby


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